Shifted !
This blog is officially down and dead. ;x .
Shifted to:;D .
Take it as it is ;
That's life ;
Accept it . ~7:42 PM
I FINALLY GOT IT. An A1. ;shy !
After like. Getting the Bs and Cs and Ds and Es and Fs. D; .
Kays. Happy. ;D !
Ohno. ); !
9 more months to my turn. D; !
Damnnnnnnnnnnnn !
OHNO !!!!!!!!!!
Take it as it is ;
That's life ;
Accept it . ~5:18 PM
._. ~
For one of the first few times that I am gonna post something that comes from the bottom of my heart.
It's only the start of 2010 and I am already grumbling like the Mrs. Dubose in "To Kill A Mockingbird".
Yes. Grumbling.
Grumbling about why is time not enough.
Why is 'O' Levels nearing.
Why do I have to torture myself by taking up Physics.
Why do I choose what I did.
And in the first place, why the hell did I get into this school.
Chung Cheng High School. Main.
Despite it's 70 years of history, I seriously don't find any pride in it sometimes.
Sometimes I love the school.
I have no idea what.
But that is gonna be something was is history-ed.
Forget about the proper English.
I am having such a bad mood now I bet everything is going haywire. -.- .
A few things probably spoil my mood to welcome 2010 with open arms.
1. The school came up with a new 'O' Levels Chinese media study. Something I wanted. Something I was interested in. Something that I will be willing to give up probably 12 hours of my sleep time in a day just to achieve the best result that I can get. ~_~ .
2. The school is starting on the PRIME project only during the end of year holidays last year. Lols. Which means by the time the construction is done, the rest of the cohort as well as myself will not be able to use it. That's not the most unfair thing. Lols. The most unfair thing is that, it's gonna affect our study environment. With the constructions materials, fences, and probably noises. During the most important year of our time in secondary school.
3. Badminton. My favourite sport. Something I am willing to work hard for. Lols. Who cares about trying to observe how animals acted. -.- . I don't wanna be one. It's not that I don't appreciate my current CCA. When I joined it, I loved it. Like seriously loved it. But as time went by, I realized I hate it more and more. And just continue hating it. I tried my best not to skip it. But if I have any excuse not to go, I definitely won't be present for the activities. Eff that CCA. It seriously suck. And to think that just in time that this year, while I still left a little bit of passion for that CCA, because I have lovely juniors there, who was there for me when I need someone to talk to, my good friend who is always there for me. And this year is gonna be a year where I shall just be a nice member and show face for a few more months. And then I am out of it. AND TO THINK THAT JUST WHEN I AM HAPPY THAT I AM GETTING OUT OF CHUNG CHENG, CAME AN ANNOUNCEMENT THAT BADMINTON IS OPENED TO GIRLS NOW. WHAT IS THIS FUCK.
._______. !!!!!
I should have picked Anglican.
-.- . It's nearer to my house. I don't have to wake up so fucking early just to take the fucking bus so that it doesn't get stuck at some fucking traffic jam.
There's a lovely CCA called badminton that's opened up to girls.
I get to be in the same school as my best friend.
Fuck my life.
I feel damn screwed.
This sucks. Everything does.
I don't know how much I can keep this on.
And this is only the start of the year.
I am so tired.
~_~ .
While the school give out so many fucking holiday assignment, have they ever think that someone as dumb as me, no matter how much I try, how many times I read the textbook, no matter how long I stare at the questions, if I don't understand it, I just don't. Won't be able to freaking complete the work? And those work will become worthless junks. Stacking up on the table. Collecting dusts. Not only did the trees sacrificed for nothing, it takes up precious space, and turns my holiday mood off. It even turns me off for the subject I love most.
To the hell with that place.
Take it as it is ;
That's life ;
Accept it . ~11:00 PM
200th Post !

LOLS. ;D !
Kays. Wthell.
Holidays ending. D; !
Me wanna die le. D; ?!?!?!
Because the holiday assignments are NOT motivating me at all.
-.- . Instead of helping, they are totally stressing me out.
And putting me off.
Social Interview asked what is the meaning of life. D; !
My answer is: HOMEWORK. ;\ .
Lols. Happiness seems far somehow. ;\ . Haix. ); !
More white hair. ); !
Take it as it is ;
That's life ;
Accept it . ~1:10 AM
...................OHNO !
..........................Feeling sad?
...................Hi 5.
.......Very sad.
...............................DX !
Oh shiit. Should be sleeping. D; !
Take it as it is ;
That's life ;
Accept it . ~1:56 AM
The following text is for a friend who birthday lies one today. 2 November.
Dear Friend,
You didn't want your birthday to be known.
So here I am, posting this. You should know that this message is for you.
Happy Birthday, dude. ;) .
Congratz for growing older. We are like. 1 year apart now. ;p .
Looking back, we have been friends for some time, haven't we?
You said you can read my have you read mine today? ;p .
Dude, throughout the time when we have been friends, I understand that I take things out on you. Sometimes on purpose, because I know you will understand me and allow me to do so. And sometimes, without knowing that I am being nasty to you.
Throughout the time when we have been friends, we went through several things, haven't we?
Alot. Of sad and happy stuff. Emotional and crappish.
We shared many things and at certain point of time, whenever I encounter difficulty, I wish you were there to tell me how I would be able to pull through it. And at times when I am happy, I wish you were there to share it with me.
This year, we spent lesser time than we did last year.
But one thing did not change and that is. I remembered your birthday and I am the first person to wish you when the clock shows 12. And I am the first person you spent with on the very first second of your birthday. ;) .
What I want to say is, I will be happy on this very special day.
Because it's your special day.
No matter what comes, I will take it, looking at things from the most positive perspective I can find.
I want to thank you, for being concerned with my life, my health, reminding me to sleep.
I want to thank you, for being stubborn enough to play the "See-Who-Sleep-First, No-I-Go-After-You-Go" game. Just to make me go to sleep.
I want to thank you for all that you did for me. Being there to listen to my rants and rattles.
I want to thank you for not laughing at me when I broke down and cried and you heard me.
I want to thank you for the most precious words that you spoke to me.
I want to thank you for being present in my life.
Most importantly, I thank you for being who you are, just the way you are, and thank you thank you thank you for being my friend.
All these words ain't enough to cover what I want to let you know, how precious you are as a friend to me.
Sorry to make your back ache when you played that game with me.
Sorry to spoil your ears when I shouted into the call with you.
Sorry to make you listen to my rants and rattle.
Sorry to make you think you fail in cheering me up.
My friend, I am touched. For all the things that you did for me, for wanting me to take care of myself, for being there when I am down at the valleys in my life.
My friend, you are dear to me and I want us to stay as friends that will last till when we die.
But you know what?
This doesn't mean I am going to stop bullying you. ;p .
I am still going to be the way I am. Because that's me.
And I am sure, you will handle me the right way, yeah?
Dude. Look again ~
Stay happy and all the best in all that you do.
Remember that I will be here for you just as you had been there for me.
Happy or sad, let's share the moments together.
I am still waiting for you to write that story with the line I gave you. ;) .
Really. Thank you. ;x .
Warmest wishes,
Take it as it is ;
That's life ;
Accept it . ~2:28 AM
Wahhhh. Finally decided to start writing again. ;x .
Haven been caught up with Boys Over Flowers. Lols.
Take it as it is ;
That's life ;
Accept it . ~12:22 PM