Disney Addiction
Don't know why but recently, a sudden surge of Disney Addiction attacked me.
I feel like watching all those fairy tales again.
I remembered I used to hate watching Snow White because the part where the queen turn into the freaking black and white old lady was scary.
I hate to watch Pinocchio because the scene when he got locked up and the part where he turned into a donkey was super scary and made me want to cry.
I know it sounds silly.
But all those happened when I WAS A TODDLER.
But the scenes remain.
Now, I want to rewatch them.
Snow White's queen turned into the old lady with black and white suit.
BLACCCK AND WHITEEEEEEEE. My favourite colour!
As for Pinocchio.
Er, save it for later.
I want to rewatch sleeping beauty!
"I know you~ I walked with you once~ Upon~ A dream~~~"
I like this song. ^^
The glass slippers!
Gosh. I miss those tales.
Those stories.
*might be skipping Audii in the weekends to watch these x3 !*
Take it as it is ;
That's life ;
Accept it . ~10:43 PM
Always Online Web Movie (With English Subtitles)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moCgSA-bBVA&feature=relatedTouching die. )=
Sad to say, I cried.
Take it as it is ;
That's life ;
Accept it . ~9:59 PM
E.Maths Quiz - Screwed
Chapter 3 - Inequalities.
Dang it depressing...
I'mma faint. D= !
Thanks to my brain going blank.
Take it as it is ;
That's life ;
Accept it . ~11:07 PM
Freak Off
Stuffs and bothers.
Freak off. =.=
Had enough.
****** ******* in my life.
Take it as it is ;
That's life ;
Accept it . ~7:22 PM
X_X ? == !!
K. Ridiculous post. == !!
But it meeeeeeans SOMETHING! =X
Take it as it is ;
That's life ;
Accept it . ~10:16 PM
Pictures - Vicky, Clara, WeiNing and Me

Qian bai ge bu yuan yi D= !
I look so retarded! DDD= !
Nevertheless, I like it. =D
Take it as it is ;
That's life ;
Accept it . ~10:42 PM
The Last Straw Is Still Dangling
Wth. I bear and bear with it. Not making responses. Cause I gave her the thing I thought she still deserved.
Yet again and again she chose to bring up those unhappy things.
Reading your blog makes me feel as if we are the ones who did wrong to you.
People are only reading your side of the story and seriously. It is very unfair if only you were to tell the story.
Forgotten some parts? Let me fill in those parts for you.
And. Of course, the details in which you missed out.
On 28 January 2009, Wednesday.
English period.
Mr Zaid wanted us to write a descriptive paragraph on a video that he is going to show.
We were supposed to do it in a group.
My group consist of Dame, QuanLi, JianMing, Royston and I.
So. I contributed to the paragraph with my first sentence ^^ : "Darkness embraced the forest."
Next, QuanLi contributed something. Which I forgot what.
Then the third sentence, we were stuck.
So Mr Zaid came to help us.
But after that, we were still stuck at the fourth sentence.
So we begin to think.
But as per normal discussion with this group, we ended up crapping.
QuanLi was singing thanks to his sudden inspiration.
And Dame was smacking his head with her books.
Supposingly it was fun and everything.
Up to this point, let me get this clear. When QuanLi and I gave idea for the first and second sentence, JianMing and Royston were the ones who wrote it down. This means, Dame did not do anything.
Not like we didn't ask her to.
All she said was, "Saya malas." (which means I am lazy)
Next, what happened was, I joined in the crapping and laughing as well.
Maybe, she was worried that we can't complete the work in time.
So she shouted at QuanLi in chinese, asking him to finish the work in a supposingly demanding tone.
And QuanLi, being the joking him replied that why not she do since she made it sound as if it was that easy and that she hadn't do anything at all.
That pissed Dame off. Even though I agreed with QuanLi and that she has nothing to be pissed about. She slammed the table and yelled, "Fine la! I do la!"
Normally, when people say this kind of things, they would probably prove it to others that they really will do it right?
Instead, she took out her Chinese Textbook and started highlighting the words and phrases for our Chinese Spelling. Then, she pulled her table from QuanLi's. This means, she is the one who isolated us. Not the other way round.
Right. Then the boys wanted to go to the Gents and thus they went to get the permission from Mr Zaid. Thank god Mr Zaid didn't allow because there were solid awkwardness between Dame and I where the guys were away. I tried calling, "Damie~ Damie~" But all she did was dao me. And, she was singing. At this point, I would like to ask her. Last time, when I dao her, and most of the time was accidental, in Audii somemore, how come she can dao me now? Next. QuanLi can't sing so how come she can.
The guys came back anyway because Mr Zaid deny their going to the Gents.
Well then, I finished the paragraph and guess what? It was ok and we got it through! And we were one of the earliest to sumit it. So if Dame got angry because she was worried that we can't finished in time, why is she still angry when:
1 - She didn't contributed at all.
2 - I did most of the things and handed it up.
3 - Mr Zaid said it was ok.
Forget it then. Earlier on, she asked me to watch movie with her because that day, it was a half-day due to the good 'O' Level Results and the school decided to let us off.
But after what happened in class, she gave me the attitude.
She said she want to leave as soon as possible because she don't want to see SOMEONE.
So she went out of class. I followed as fast as I can.
I thought maybe a movie can cheered her up so I asked.
What about the movie?
She yelled at me and gave me the look and went: "Bu Yao Kan Le La!"
And she walked off at a very fast pace.
I caught up with her again and I asked, out of concern, "Where are you going now?"
She yelled at me again and didn't even look at me properly, "Hui Jia La!"
Something was very wrong.
I was the one who helped her finished her part for the English thing.
Not that I want to get credits for that.
But since I help her, and she didn't even thank me because she had a bad mood, how come she vent it on me. I felt so. Ridiculous is the first word that pops out in my mind.
Being her classmate for 2 years, I understand this is her temper. So I let it off.
Upon reaching home, I do as per normal what I always did.
Audii. X_X !
She logged in at some point of time and went like, "yooooooooooos~"
AndI thought she was fine.
JJ was there. He asked everyone to go to Entry3 because he bought the channel.
He asked if who got the stiffies to go there.
Dame, under the disguise of xSpadesx3, said, "i don't want lehs, any prob?"
And JJ replied, "don't want don't want la, talk so much for what, LMAO"
And Dame countered, "i like to talk, your prob?"
And I knew at that instant, for both of them would let it rest, that a storm was brewing.
Using Embellish at that time, I went to the Mall to avoid it.
When I went out of the Mall, they were still arguing.
Pussy, a peacemaker was asking Dame to let it rest because JJ isn't talking anymore.
But Dame would not let it rest and thought that JJ is only not talking because he has nothing to counter. But the fact is that, he is just trying to let it rest on account of me, giving me face.
But Dame won't.
When the others asked her to quiet down also, she said that that was her FAM Chat and if anyone was not happy, they could leave.
I believes she knows, how much effort I put in that FAM, to ask people I can trust to join, people to stay, people to remain and for ~LOONIES~ to become what they were today, all of them are important. Yet even though knowing all these efforts that I put in, she can ask them to leave FAM. =.=
So I asked Pussy to continue with her game and asked JJ to chill.
If she notice, I didn't ask her because I knew she would not be happy about it.
Yet she doesn't want to give up so in the end I have no choice but to ask her to chill too.
And the annoying thing was, she asked me to kick her out of the FAM.
I told her, I won't because I don't find it a need to.
At that point of time, when I asked her to chill also, I knew she would threaten me with Hanae's ring. I was mentally prepared.
But when she said it, it still hurts.
Other than asking me to kick her out of the FAM, she said she can shun bian break the "marriage" that we have. Hanae and xSpadesx3. Our ring. The ring which symbolises the friendship between us. And she is using that to threaten me...
And when I told her about the "I don't find it a need to," she asked me to shut up.
In then end, she managed to force JJ out of the FAM.
And before JJ left, he threw a sentence, "this is a pro FAM with a noob and useless member."
And then he was gone.
The FAM went all quiet.
And a few minutes later, Dame broke the silence with.
"i shall go study just in case i become like some noob"
The noob, refers to JJ I assume, for his bad English.
And throughout the whole time when the arguement was going on, I was crying.
I was yelling.
I was screaming.
My heart was torn.
I was on phone with QuanLi...
At MSN, I saw her personal message.
She has two MSN.
One of them was.
"I successfully suanned ~LOONIES~ jr until he left the FAM :)"
The other one was.
"yea, i am a NOOB, USELESS member, do the FBs yourself next time, PRO leader."
Obviously, she referred to me.
I just don't understand.
What did I do wrong to deserve all these nonsense from her?
Dame is someone QuanLi and I cherish as our friends.
That's why we try to gave in to her whenever she gave have her bad times.
But because we are her friends, we want her to learn.
We want her to learn how to say sorry when she is in the wrong.
There is no use holding on to the something she considered important, "face", when she is going to lose all her friends in the end.
That's why we chose to dao her.
That's why I shifted my place to the front.
Extreme, but how else are we supposed to let her understand.
But she didn't.
29 January 2009 Thursday.
Dame SMSed me in the middle of the class.
"This is just to inform you, I will be breaking up with Hanae later. Don't need reply."
So, she is the one pushing me away, and not the other way as she claim.
But yet on her blog, she made it sound as if, it's my fault.
My fault that I pushed her away.
She said I found new friends and she will have to go.
But that is not the truth.
I haven't been blogging on my public blog, my personal blog but only this blog.
I don't want to make response to her posts.
It just sucks.
I am being depicted as a bad girl who dumps her old friends for new one.
31 January 2009 Saturday, Today.
I gave up on her.
Gave up on us.
If she was willing to apologise that day, QuanLi and I would be more than happy to accept it, accept her once again, and forgo the whole thing.
But it seems like she won't.
According to Jie, she won't apologise until she confirmed we accept her back.
Yet QuanLi and I say that we won't accept her back until she apologise.
So we are stuck.
And since the things were over for so long, I thought maybe we would move on.
But she chose to post again and again.
And lols now what?
Comparing me and Ennabelle?
We argued. Yea, then how do you want me to be there when we had those times?
Console you when I myself is hurt?
Funny. =.=
Mean war? When you forced JJ out.
When you let off you steam in the FAM, who was the one who started the mean war.
Who was the one who flared up during English Lesson and would not let it go.
Who was the one who use the word 'brainless' on others.
Lols. Mean indeed.
And you can return back to the FAM and treat it as if nothing happened.
~LOONIES~ is your hard work too.
But yet you can ask people to leave if they can't stand you.
Not like you don't know how much effort I spent, asking those people to join, to stay.
And you, can try to get them out. Just because you want to let off your steam?
Yea. Why would you want to ruin it. =.=
You contributed ideas. We passed you the pen and paper.
But what did you do?
Did you write them down?
No. You pushed it away. Again and again.
Saying what, "Saya malas." =.=
And then now you are saying we don't pay attention to your ideas?
Right on. That's amusing.
I wanted to play Audii.
Yea, that day. I reacted this way when you asked me out.
But I regretted it.
I know I ought to spend more time with you.
If I were so determined to play Audii, I wouldn't even change my mind even if you are giving me a treat.
But it doesn't matter whether you are giving a treat or not, because you are my friend, you are asking me out. The FAM can wait. Till evening. There was time.
But time ran out for our friendship.
The moment when the ring was removed.
I guessed that was when it stopped.
We dao-ed you.
But have you ever stopped to think.
Why did we do that.
Let me tell you why.
We just wanted you to apologise.
Lols. And you said you cried.
But wasn't I crying too when you let off your steam.
I told you many many times.
~LOONIES~ is my life.
And yet you can do such damage to it.
QuanLi, I guessed that was the first time you knew how what I was like when I lose control.
LOLS! =X Crying, shouting. Totally went mad and insane.
Sorry for shouting into the phone that day.
But you were the one I needed to talk to. LOLS. As a good friend. ^^
And now what.
You are comparing me and Ennabelle?
Yea yea, anyone can see you are happily with her.
And that's great.
I mean, yea, I am happy for you.
Since you found your true friend, who can brin gyou to work hard for your future.
Then I wish you all the luck you can get.
But the thing is.
Why must you bomb ~LOONIES~ and I again and again on the blog.
Joining those FAMs which you know we detest.
=.= Delibrate agitating.
If there really were to have FAM war, the chance of ~LOONIES~ winning, is as much as those FAMs you joined.
But if you really want to join, it's your choice I guessed.
But with the ~LOONIES~ spirit, those FAMs aren't going to be the last few foe FAMs we are ever going to make.
Keep track of it if you want.
If you can.
And according to your logic, ~LOONIES~'s foe FAM is your beloved FAM.
So...our Alliances are your foes? X_X
I can't deny you have skills in Audii.
But skills doesn't mean everything.
Doesn't take what it gets to be a good Audii player.
You used to tell me off.
Saying I treat Audii too seriously.
But aren't you doing the same thing?
Maybe not the same exactly but similar things.
You are getting pissed because of JJ?
Because of whatever that's happened in Audii.
And then bringing them out to real life.
Just like the previous time when you said I dao you in Audii.
AUDII. =.=
You said I was too serious about it.
I admit I am. You deny you were.
But when you were pissed.
What were you pissed about?
Pissed that I changed guys to stick to? (like hell I did)
Pissed that I dao you?
And where were all those happening.
Audii. =.=
You get the point I mean.
So aren't you in for it as well?
Audii. =.=
And things to clear once and for all.
I didn't change guys to stick to.
You don't have the rights to say that to me.
Dodo has been my best friend right on from Year 2007.
Opaque is my main account's couple.
Whatever your definition of main is, mine is the first account I created so Yeezi it will be.
Alee had been Thali's couple.
I didn't change guys to stick to.
Dodo was with me all along. Or you can also say, I am with him all along.
Because being with each other has become a habit that developed over 1 year.
He is my best friend, I am his.
This point, get it cleared.
Opaque, my couple.
What do you want me to do with him.
Couple him then dump him?
I can't. Because he is a nice guy, hard to come by.
A couple that someone like me can't get easily.
Maybe impossible to get.
Alee. I told you the reason we couple several times.
Ask yourself.
When you accused me changing guys to stick to. Which is a damn big insult to me.
Have you ever thought of yourself?
When you said I "change guys to stick to".
What about you.
I don't want to mention names.
You know who I mean. =.=
Plus, you went out with Alee. (not that I mind alot or what)
Lols. You definitely have no rights to say things about me when it's from your point of view, making those false and hurting accusations.
Do you think it's easy to face you in class?
You don't want to care.
Not like I want to.
Yet everytime. I let it rest, let it pass.
You will choose to bring it up.
Again and again, posting and posting.
Posting all of your side of the story.
On your public blog too.
Lols! So yea great.
Thanks for making me as your EX-bestfriend?
Thanks for comparing me with Ennabelle.
It helps so much to let me know I am so inferior to her.
Thanks for letting me know how you viewed me.
As a slut? As a cheap girl who CHANGE GUYS TO STICK TO.
Thanks for all the memories you gave me. Whether it's the happy ones. Or those I want to throw away.
Thanks for the times when you have been there for me.
I have been trying hard to be there for you too.
It's just hard when you wouldn't tell me anything.
I am not Nicole. Who can read your mind.
Sorry to mention her.
But I like Nicole too.
She's my friend.
Though the bond between Nicole and I isn't as strong as the bond between you and her but she was after all, the one who brought us back together as friends, patched things up.
Like what an angel will do.
I have no idea what happened to her.
Since you didn't talk to me about it as well.
I am not Ennabelle.
Who can constantly encouraged you to do your work and everything.
But hey, admit it. I tried. =.=
I did said homework it a must to do.
I did ask you to study hard.
You said I am not a good motivator?
How good are you then.
You dare say you are a better one than I am?
You are tired.
I am tired.
Give it up.
It's all over.
We are classmates, it's a fact.
Take it leave it.
You have to take it.
Unless you have other ways out.
Things sucks now.
Not everything.
I am moving on.
Trying hard to move on.
I did.
TimeStarted: 8:33PM
FinishedTyping: 9:26PM
Take it as it is ;
That's life ;
Accept it . ~8:33 PM